Things I’ve Seen Since We’ve Been Apart is a site-specific installation consisting of found objects gathered during the pandemic. The objects come from places I have occupied since March of 2020 such as Stanford, my hometown of Watsonville, Santa Cruz, and San Diego. Many of the smaller items come from my daily bike rides and runs around the campus of Stanford, such as a variety of flowers that are in bloom at different times of the year that I picked, pressed and then taxonomically arranged. 

Initially, I was drawn to the preexisting grid that made up the gallery floor and used it to determine the layout of the installation. The way in which I composed the materials was informed by their inherent physicalities such as shape, form, and color, and brought together to convey a fractured and impressionistic visual landscape of the places and things I’ve observed while in isolation. 

Everything developed upon itself and the decision-making was spontaneous. Nothing is secured and has the potential to blow away or collapse.

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